Pamela Burton
From Moree to Mabo
Including a Foreword by The Hon. Michael Kirby AC CMG,From Moree to Mabo is the remarkable story of Mary Gaudron QC, the first female justice of the High Court of Australia and paints a compelling portrait of a dynamic woman and her extensive contributions to the Australian legal system.
In a groundbreaking career, Mary Gaudron passionately championed gender equality and indigenous rights, ruling on landmark decisions such as Mabo and Wik. She also appeared in the Equal Pay case for the Whitlam Government. From her formative years spent in a NSW country town to being appointed the first female justice of the High Court of Australia (1987) author Pamela Burton conveys the extraordinary life of one of our most colourful High Court judges.
Longlisted – 2012 National Biography Award
“A compelling chronicle of the life and career of Gaudron.”
About the Author
Pamela Burton founded her own law firm in Canberra in 1976, Pamela Coward and Associates. She later practiced as a Barrister at the Canberra Bar. Her appointments have included Senior Member, Commonwealth Administrative Appeals Tribunal, Legal Counsel for the Australian Medical Association, Official Visitor, ACT Mental Health. Pamela is currently writing a book on the tragic death of the celebrated Australian Art Curator, Nick Waterloo.