Sarah K. Balstrup

The Way of Unity

…The fire hardened her heart to stone. Now the people she has wronged must come to break it.


The Seven Lands of Velspar put their faith in the Intercessors, a psychic priesthood responsible for the purification of the spirit. Where passion flares, they soothe its intent. Those who cannot be soothed, are cast out, their spirits destroyed by fire.

The Intercessors are mystics of the highest order, but Velspar’s ruling Skalens believe their power has grown too great.

Surviving the Intercessor’s murder plot against her family, Sybilla Ladain rises to power. The Skalens come together under the banner of her grief, bringing the practice of Intercession to its brutal, bloody end.  

Yet victory brings Sybilla no peace. In time, she will have to face the people of Velspar, forced to live in a psychically alienated world, and a band of rebels led by an escaped Intercessor set on her annihilation.

About the Author

Sarah K. Balstrup is an author of dark fantasy and former Religious Studies academic. Her work gravitates toward the liminal and surreal, blending dark romanticism with an obsessive interest in religion (ritual, existentialism, mysticism, religion & creative practice, and altered states of consciousness).


Dr Lawrence Bamblett